
“I am so pleased to be supporting Abbey Duke for State Representative in Chittenden-17. Since I retired as Executive Director of the Vermont Housing Finance Agency and began my work as a city councilor Abbey and I have worked on a number of projects, which she always does diligently. Abbey really cares about the welfare of our neighbors in all neighborhoods. She knows Burlington, our concerns, our schools, our parks, and how to manage and organize. Having spent a lot of time in the statehouse when I was with VHFA, Abbey is just the type of legislator we need to effectively represent us. Thank you, Abbey.”

City Councilor Sarah Carpenter, Democrat, Ward 4 City

“I know how passionate Abbey is about building a better Burlington, and I’ve watched as she put in the work-in public service and as a small-business owner. We need her experience as a part of our team in Montpelier to deliver on support for working family, community, safety and giving our kids a great education that is affordable.” - Speaker of the House Rep. Jill Krowinski

“Abbey is a vibrant member of our community — from her family responsibilities to her volunteer activities — and works to make a better Burlington for us all. Abbey is committed to a growing sustainable economy that employs people in careers not jobs. Vermont is a state of small businesses. Who better to foster economic growth than Abbey. She built a successful business literally from the ground (Intervale farming) to a store and cafes to Sugarsnap’s farm to table event catering. This is the experience that leads to creating effective programs to foster expansion and diversification in our economy. We grow our population by keeping our current children in state with careers that sustain families and recruiting remote workers and new sustainable businesses.”

— Jean O’Sullivan, 5-term Vermont State Representative

"I strongly support my neighbor Abbey Duke to be our State Representative representing Chittenden-17. I have known Abbey for over 10 years, and I know Abbey will bring thoughtfulness, compassion, and willingness to listen to Montpelier. She also is always willing to lend a hand to the community - be it serving on the Burlington Parks Commission, or supporting local PTO events for Burlington schools. We'll be well served by Abbey as our Representative in the Legislature!"

— Stephanie Young

I'm thrilled to see Abbey take her skills to Montpelier on behalf of our New and Old North End communities. I know her to be a natural listener, a caring neighbor, an enthusiastic supporter of our parks and schools, and a small business owner who is a skillful bridge-builder. I have no doubt that she is the right choice for the job and will bring back the resources and partnership that we so critically need here in Burlington.

— City Councilor Evan Litwin, Democrat, Ward 7

“I am happy to support Abbey Duke for State Representative in Chittenden 7. My husband and I have known Abbey for many years, as an Intervale farmer, small business owner, Burlington Parks Recreation and Waterfront Commissioner and as a neighbor. In all of these roles I have been impressed with her desire to serve our community, and doing so with practicality, compassion and good sense. I know that Abbey cares about affordability and health care, especially as it relates to our older adult community members. We will continue to be well served by Abbey as our representative in Montpelier.”

— Gail Moreau

“Abbey has been an engaged member of our community for many years and I have often turned to her for advice and support on neighborhood issues. I’m grateful she has taken this step and believe she brings a deep understanding of her constituent’s interests, and a constructive and balanced approach to the important issues facing Vermont.  Please join me in supporting Abbey.”

— City Councilor Mark Barlow, Independent, North District

“Abbey has consistently demonstrated her commitment to fostering a supportive environment for local businesses and advocating for quality education. Her leadership, integrity, and passion for service are exactly what we need in our state legislature. She understands the importance of creating policies that support working families, enhance educational opportunities, and promote economic growth.”

— Shireen Hart


Abbey is a wonderful neighbor who has spent decades raising a family, growing a business, and building community here in town. She is a thoughtful, independent person who will make decisions with our whole community in mind. She's also got a great sense of humor! I'm so happy she is willing to step forward - we'd be lucky to have her in Montpelier."

— Brian Lowe


Former City Councilor, Ed Adrian
Tiki Archambeau
Gretchen Argraves
Randy Argraves
Former State Senate President Pro Tem, Tim Ashe

Beth Bahrenburg
Peter Bahrenburg
Kate Batchelder
Milia Bell
Chris Broughton
Alan Bjerke
Melissa Bland
Nazan Bozkurt
Heather Bullett
Nat Caldwell
Lorraine Carter-Lovejoy
Sue Chayer
Former City Councilor, Bianka Cimrin
Efe Cimrin
Keri Crafts
Dan Curry
Sarah Curry
Michael Dabbs
Robert Depper
Brian Drourr
Kerin Durfee
Michelle Farkas
Kristin Fontaine
Toby Fuller
Jenny Fuller
Shayne Galloway
Kevin Garrison Jr.
Former City Councilor, Carmen George
Esther George
State Senator and BTV School Commissioner,
Martine Gulick
Kristine Guthrie

Chip Hart
Mary Hart
Former City Councilor Dave Hartnett
Representative Bob Hooper, Chittenden 18
Joanne Hunt
Jen Hurley
Colleen Hoehn
Rob Hoehn
Brendan Jones
Lindsay Jones
Former City Councilor, Hannah King
Former City Councilor, Bram Kranichfeld
Erin Kranichfeld
David Lines
Jen Lucey
Tessa Lucey
Sarah Mariani
Former City Councilor, Chip Mason
Laura McConville
Peter McConville
Dragica Mujkanovic
Representative Carol Ode, Chittenden 18
Erin O'Keefe
Byron O'Neill
Jen O'Neill
Former City Councilor, Karen Paul
Wendy Purvee
City Councilor Joan Shannon
Jason Stanley
Kerry Stanley
Christy Swanson
Chrissy Tonizzo
City Councilor Ben Traverse

I would be honored to earn your endorsement and have you join the campaign! If you would like to add your name to the list of supporters, please fill out the form below.

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