About me

I grew up in Iowa in a small town and then went to college in Minnesota.  Thirty years ago, I moved to Vermont with a sense of adventure, thinking it was for a short time.  But I quickly felt at home. I found interesting work, joined a club Ultimate frisbee team, and hiked and cross country skied whenever I could.  

Life was good – and simple. But then, over the years, I started putting down roots and piling on responsibilities. I bought a house, had a civil union, started a business and had a couple of kids.

I have lived in our district (or within one block) for 26 years. I live in the Village Green neighborhood in the New North End with my partner and two teenage children, both students at Burlington High School. I have spent the past 20 years building a local business, Sugarsnap Catering, and raising my family.  

With our parks, lake, schools, neighborhoods and neighbors, this is a truly wonderful place to live. However, if I was just starting out now, it’s hard for me to see how I could have afforded to live in Burlington, much less buy a house and start a business. And I worry that without more housing and a lower cost of living our community will stagnate, families won’t move here, and our kids won’t be able to stay here. 

Over the past decade, I have been getting increasingly involved in the community. I was the Chair of the Ward 7 Democratic Committee for a number of years.  Until recently, I was the Chair of the Burlington Parks Commission and I am on the Board of Directors of Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility. 

Over my 30 years in Vermont, I have been fortunate to be helped along by so many people and organizations. I truly would not be where I am without that help. Now I want to give back by working to shape policy to help us build a thriving and vibrant future. 

On August 13th, I won the Democratic primary in a contested race, and I am proud to be on the ballot for State Representative in the general election on November 5th.